Monthly Archives: May 2010

The most effective way to do it is to do it..

今天在公司有點納悶, 找了米雪之前send俾我的blog, 抽了”Adman’s Rants 廣告風涼話”, 一口氣睇左十幾個posts. 一路的看都沒有什麼大特別的想post出來, 直到看到這一句 “The most effective way to do it is to do it”, 這不是由一個哲學家想出來的話,而是由第一位獨自飛行橫越大西洋的女性 Amelia Putnam 走出來的路.呢句話真的很正,也正是我期待的態度,成就與否未到死的一刻故事未完也難去說,但在這一秒中做與不做就可以決定有沒有去成功的機會。該Post也quote了Steve Jobs 回歸那個爛Apple 時 Think Different 的campaign,我覺得說的也是如果他們也認為”就是這樣”那麼世界還有可能變成那樣嗎? 如果他們因為未知而卻步,世界還有可能變成那樣嗎?又如果他們要有萬全的計劃才去做,他們還可以在有生之年作出成就嗎?

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

還記得Oliver Stone 的 Alexander The Great 裡亞歷山大帝對士兵說的一句很正的 “Fear is wasting the time”也是我的座右銘,對於未知,唯一能夠掌握的就是去做或是不做。

也附上在”Adman’s Rants 廣告風涼話”令我留步的 Post,NIKE 的 Human Chain TVC,那種不怕失怕的傻氣和別人的嘲笑,其實與你成功的氣質和別人的仰慕只是一線之差。另,一看到岩士唐的一幕,內心的火即刻湧出黎,要快D settle 好,買返架 TT 車!!

“It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. It’s not where you’re from, it’s where you’re at. Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up?”

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彭導上個月的志明與春嬌實在太讚,夾住上套的興奮,明知這套是完全不同的戲,也不免會祈代再次震撼.報導都稱這套是cult片,晚上去了數碼港睇都抱住嘻哈的心態,但始終都對 彭導 x Cult 呢個組合有所期待.題材很彭導,很Heavy但又有點無聊加上天馬行空. 這次題材親民得黎更加食正左個大市氣氛,本身對 cult 片沒有太多認識,但還是覺今次不算很 cult, 題材 Heavy 但唔夠重, 有點到喉唔到肺的感覺.. 不知有心還是無意,片名跟英皇的維壹在差不多時侯推出,會否又是一個控訴?

一個瘋狂的城市,不止於高昂的樓市,也是男女的關係,也是使錢的方式,也是生活的態度。一種強烈的”就是這樣”,令人只懂去妥協/掙扎求全,完全忘記”應該是怎樣”的壓力。個人心中的烏托邦不能實現,甚至受到打壓,要繼續存在就只有擁抱”就是這樣”。這種矛盾,去到一個極端,就成了”維壹”,她可以為了買樓而殺人,可以為了工作而殺人,可以為了去日本而殺人,可以為了男人而殺人… 因為”就是這樣”


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Filed under Billy, Movie

Why not change ?

I was having haircut today when I had a glimpse of the latest magazine ‘CUP’ which explores ‘after 80’s situation ‘. While I remained sceptical over some personal views of the culture one thing does tell all I am thinking these days – time for a change.

People may say those 80’s are evolving with being against to everything, but never do they have their feet into our shoes that we are already enough with stability, so-called-stability – of being a sales in electric appliances shops, of working in the same company or as a same job, of forgoing all our vivid and crazy dreams.

Stability does have the advantage in terms of choice of life. It provides you the only pathway to think, to act, to live on, but don’t you think making choice is fun? With a combination of rational critics and irrational bias you decide who you love, so why can’t you also put the courage and determination into a pathway of unknown, walk our own way, get what we want before we settle down and savor the sweetness and bitterness at the time spontaneity, dream and power of youth come across?

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Child Fantasy..

There was a child fantasy, I was wondering if I would own an island nation with my people, with my language, with my currency, my stamp, my army…… It had been forgotten for years, but it floated up again in these moments while it seems I would never leave it away from me. From the idea of having a frds facebook group for photography events, parties, kart racing or whatever functions for fun, to the idea of having “the place” to create Our space…

Fancy about I could catch everyone, and delight everyone(but beat by the reality).. Fancy about I could create unforgottable suprises(but beat by the responses).. Fancy about it could be growing like a snow ball(but beat by time).. Fancy about it could be a perfect starter(but beat by the end)… Fancy about there were partners could induce undefeatable synergy(but beat by the management)..

It was a sad romance and I’m glad to get experienced.. Nobody will be willing to listen to me say about I’ve learnt this lesson, it has been told too many times with none of effort. Maybe I could say this time is like the 2007, I can walk again alone aind do/try the things I want without any soft resistances. In that year, I let go some and got paces of movements, the problem is still the same, the lack of action point is always my problem. I am always looking for someone to work with, somebody may push me forward or just simply share the good n bad to let me fight against the lonelyness.. Let me quota it big “enterprueus is always a lonely route”. Of coz i’m not going to start an interntioal giant business, but unless I got a partner who really DO work, I have to push myself to gogogo.. If I’m ready to go by myself, I dun need to be messed up on the table with nothing really on it..

I think I’m not living anymore, but a dream is still stringing my soul.. I dun know if this sharing/yelling can help.. But I really do not know what I can do in these moments of waiting/preparing.. For the birth!

Timeline is a tricky thing which indicate a real thing wrong at some means.. I think I can have a better feeling if I care no more about time ‘n ageing.. If there is a time machine to defeat it, the only possible machine I can use is called dream.. Dream is abstract which build the rigid, and that’s why I’m still here..

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Typical makeover

While Shanghai has publicly declared ‘ we have gone green’ during the World Expo with excessively pouring plants on the city’s crowded pavements and walls of surrounding building sites, it was simply hiding the large scale demolition, construction and renovation undergone years since the bid in 2002. And look at the plants closely, they are all plastic.

Since the Beijing olympic game 2008 we have got an idea of how an international event in China is to be held. There is no consideration of the expenses – the impact to the public is far more important. In the build up of the event Shanghai has a whole-city facelift – every city got a fresh coat of paint, residents living in the planned exhibition area being relocated elsewhere, eight new subway lines lain in recent years, airports getting revamped. The ultimate aim is to accomodate the needs of that 6 months.

For the show up to the world, to those China’s officials, the $40bn expenses was a worth-spending, but it still never get the image of the city better with a complete culture suppression for the citizens. No hanging clothes outdoor, no pyjamas wearing outdoor or vendors got banned during the exhibition period are some examples of how Shanghai present its metropolitan culture to the rest of the world, beside those pavilion.

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轉載 via 設計.香港

Bi: Vintage, Hostel, Complex Building, Medical hotel, 不就是我的夢想嗎? 在我 fund 到8400萬前, 我還真的遲了很多.. 在 “The Place” 呢個 concept 未成氣候以前, 我們4個還是走在前邊的.. 概念上有相似不相似, 現實中有成果與夢想, 但對我們來說, 這還是一個很正面的例子。




奶黃色的外牆配綠色門窗,還有窄長騎樓……這些唐樓曾遍佈灣仔,今天都變身商廈及高檔餐廳。以做智能家居生意起家的Intexact Holdings Limited創辦人卓家茗,兩年前在灣仔道找到碩果僅存的1960年代唐樓,花約7000萬元買下,復修成「名樂居By the Park」文化酒店,實踐她的「保育大計」。

By the Park酒店裝修仿1960年代的唐樓(左),旁邊藍色建築亦屬名樂居的精品酒店,名為With the Star,將以星球為主題,表現香港現代一面,今年第三季開業。(余俊亮攝)





放公雞碗設痰罐 房租最低400元





明報記者 何嘉敏

5年建5酒店 IT人間間有賺

【明報專訊】以智能家居起家的Intexact Holdings Limited於2001年成立,本身從事電腦科技工作的公司創辦人卓家茗,想到不如讓更多人使用到智能家居的科技,遂於2005年在尖沙嘴建設首間智能酒店,隨後進軍中環、上環及灣仔,各有主題。從未接觸過酒店業的她5年間建成5間酒店,全部均有盈利,目標再建一間,以仿照《聖經》神創天地的歷程。



07及08年間她共買了4幢舊樓,分佈中、上環及灣仔作精品酒店,包括威靈頓街的At the Eden和Of the Noah、永樂街的On the Wing、灣仔道的By the Park,結合將於今年第三季開業的灣仔道With the Star,命名全部仿《聖經.創世紀》創造不同事物為主題,並以月份、不同國家、星球等為樓層或房間分類。



最終間間酒店有盈利,卓說她還欠一間,才能達到6天「創天地」的目標,但已開始另一行業,便是透過智能家居技術提供產後護理服務,名為To the Mabe,滿腦子主意的卓家茗已再想一步﹕「我還想做醫療酒店,還有護老院……」

復修過程官僚 老闆嘆保育難


住客控逼遷 逐戶代找新家



官員朝令夕改 欄杆拆了又建



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The Place..

Human being never thought about fly, but the dreamer do, and the doer did..

Let’s start doing here

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